Control Science Development Frontier is a course for graduate students taught by renowned scholars and experts from world famous universities. Under the current circumstances of COVID-19 in 2020, lectures were given online by 8 world-renowned scholars, thus providing internationalized graduate classes in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
On November 13, the first lecture “Humanitarian Demining Robot Research at the Land Sea Air Mobile Robotics Laboratory” was given by Prof. Edwardo Fumihiko Fukushima from Tokyo University of Technology, Japan, focusing on the development of a humanitarian demining robot which was tested in many mine affected countries.
On November 16, the second lecture “A Robust Model Predictive Control (MPC) Framework for Intelligent Mechatronic Systems” was given by Prof. Yang Shi from the University of Victoria, Canada, presenting the robust MPC and distributed MPC design methods and the application of MPC algorithms to intelligent autonomous under water vehicles (AUV).
On November 18, the third lecture “Emergent Behaviour in Complex System” was given by Prof. Joe Spencer from University of Liverpool, UK, introducing a technique for accessing hidden information in what seems to be a data rich environment and yet the information is not easily accessible.
On November 23, the fourth lecture “Object-oriented design methods for fast multibody dynamics and application to control of robots” was given by Prof. Andres Kecskeméthy from University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, describing a theoretical and computational framework for generating the dynamical equations of multibody systems using simple motion and force transmission functions.
On November 25, the fifth lecture “Fuzzy Rule-Based Computing” was given by Prof. Witold Pedrycz from the University of Alberta, Canada, focusing on the fundamentals and design algorithms of fuzzy rule-based models.
On December 4, the sixth lecture “Practical Examples of Physical Modeling, and Control” was given by Prof. Seiichi Kawata from Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan, describing some findings on modeling and control of heat exchangers, continuous re-heating furnaces for steelmaking industry, and chemical reaction processes from the research results.
On December 11, the seventh lecture “From Bode to Shannon: Fundamental Limitations and Limits of Feedback Revisited in an Information Age” was given by Prof. Jie Chen from City University of Hong Kong, starting with a summary tutorial of the classical and contemporary results in control performance limitation studies, and discussing a number of selected problems and results central to the subject including Bode's classical integral relations and their multivariable extensions.
On December 18, the eighth lecture “Behaviour-based Control of Autonomous Robots” was given by Prof. Huosheng Hu from the University of Essex, UK, with an overview of the current state of art behaviour-based robotics technologies, presenting their research work toward the development of advanced theory and technologies, based on inspiration from biological systems.

Web class by Prof. Edwardo Fumihiko Fukushima from Tokyo University of Technology, Japan

Web class by Prof. Yang Shi from the University of Victoria, Canada

Web class by Prof. Joe Spencer from University of Liverpool, UK

Web class by Prof. Andres Kecskeméthy from University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Web class by Prof. Witold Pedrycz from the University of Alberta, Canada

Web class by Prof. Seiichi Kawata from Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan

Web class by Prof. Jie Chen from City University of Hong Kong

Web class by Prof. Huosheng Hu from the University of Essex, UK

Graduate students’ in-person class