Advanced Materials & Sensing Technology Lab was established on October 2015 in Room 105 and 107, Information Building, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. It is affiliated to Hubei key Laboratory of Advanced Control and Intelligent Automation for Complex Systems, School of Automation, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. At present, there are five teachers in the laboratory, including 1 professor and 4 associate professors. Among them, Professor Dong Kaifeng was selected as the Hubei Provincial Hundred Young People (2018), Hubei Province Chutian Scholars (2016), and Cradle Program Winners of China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. Till now, the laboratory has graduated 13 students and 27 graduate students are studying in it now, which includes 1 doctoral student, 10 academic masters, 15 professional masters, and 1 international student. The laboratory focuses on the collection, processing, transmission and visualization of weak signals. The main research directions are magnetic materials and sensors, single crystal piezoelectric materials for ferroelectric relaxation, acceleration sensors, and functional devices for new nano-electronic optoelectronics. Research on the sensitive mechanism and preparation technology of geomagnetic, optical waveguide and piezoelectric sensing technologies have been carried out. It intends to sensing technology with high-precision, high-sensitivity, miniaturization for geological environment monitoring, and make a foundation for the geological environment monitoring improvement.

The laboratory currently has a total of 10 scientific research projects, including 2 national projects, 1 provincial and ministerial projects, 1 provincial talent project, 5 school projects, and 1 horizontal project. 30 papers have been published on academic journals at home and abroad, including 21 papers and above at T4 level, 9 papers at T2 level and 8 papers at T3 level. Moreover, 17 national invention patents has been declared, more than 30 software copyrights were obtained. 13 items for trained graduate students has been obtained.     Selected papers and patents: [1] Fang Jin, Xin Tu, JinChao Wang, Biao Yang, KaiFeng Dong, WenQin Mo, YaJuan Hui, JunWen Peng, JieFeng Jiang, Lei Xu and JunLei Song, Noise Modeling and Simulation of Giant Magnetic Impedance (GMI) Magnetic Sensor, Sensors, VOL. 20, NO. 4, pp.960, 2020 [2] Fang Jin, Hengchang Rao, Zhi Zhao, Junlei Song, Wenqin Mo, Yajuan Hui and Kaifeng Dong, Skyrmion-based JK flip-flop with a wedge-shaped circular track, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, VOL.59, NO.1, pp. 010907, 2020. [3] Fang Jin, Jinchao Wang, Lei Zhu, Wenqin Mo, Kaifeng Dong, Junlei Song, Impact of Adjustment of the Static Working Point on the 1/ f Noise in a Negative Feedback GMI Magnetic Sensor, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 19, NO. 20, pp.9172-9177, 2019 [4] L. Zhu, F. Jin ?, Y. Q. Zhu, J. C.Wang, K. F. Dong, W. Q. Mo, J. L. Song, and J. Ouyang. "Giant Magneto-Impedance (GMI) Effect in Single-Layer Soft Magnetic Film Under Stress". Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 8195-8200, 2018. [5] Chao Sun, Shenmin Lu, Fang Jin, Wenqin Mo, Junlei Song, and Kaifeng Dong*, Multi-factors induced evolution of resistive switching properties for TiN/Gd2O3/Au RRAM devices, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,816,(2020) 152564. [6] Chao Sun, Shenmin Lu, Fang Jin, Wenqin Mo, Junlei Song, and Kaifeng Dong*, The Resistive Switching Characteristics of TiN/HfO2/Ag RRAM Devices with Bidirectional Current Compliance,Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS,48, (2019) 2992-2999. [7] Chao Sun, Shenmin Lu, Fang Jin, Wenqin Mo, Junlei Song, and Kaifeng Dong*, FePt Metallic Nanoparticle Dispersion-Induced Evolution of Resistive Switching Performance in SiO2-Based RRAM Devices, Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 49, (2020) 530–536. [8] Chao Sun, Shenmin Lu, Fang Jin, Wenqin Mo, Junlei Song, and Kaifeng Dong*, Control the switching mode of Pt/HfO2/TiN RRAM devices by tuning the crystalline state of TiN electrode, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 749, 481-486. [9] Mo, W.Q. *; Liu, H. Y. ; Jin, F.; Song, J. L.; Dong, K.F., Theoretical Analysis of a Microring Resonator Array with High Sensitivity and Large Dynamic Range Based on a Multi-Scale Technique, Sensors, 2018, 18(7), 1987. [10] Fu, X. Y.; Mo, W.Q.*; Jin, F.; Song, J. L.; Dong, K.F., A novel pressure sensor based on series-coupled double microring resonators with a simple beam, Journal of Modern Optics, 2019, 66(3), 312-321. [11] Hui Y.J., Lin W.N., Xie Q.D., Chen S.H, Chen J.S., Magnetoelectric effect of epitaxial Cr2O3 thin films with a conducting underlayer electrode. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52(24): 1-6. |